For my self-intervention, I wanted to do something that would better myself and the environment. I decided to go a week without eating red meat. Every day, I usually have some type of red meat (beef and pork), be it bacon for breakfast, a burger for lunch, a steak for dinner or any other kind at any other time. Red meat produces more pounds of C02 equivalent per serving than many other kinds of food. The chart below demonstrates this.
Instead of red meat, I ate a lot more chicken and vegetables. Chicken is already a big part of my diet, but I’ve never really been big into vegetables. It took a few meals of getting used to, but I was able to find some decent ways of eating my veggies. After doing this self-intervention, I feel a bit healthier with my diet, and although it is by no means the biggest change to my carbon footprint that I could make, I’m glad I was able to minimize it a bit as well. I don’t think I will completely give up red meat, but I will definitely try to reduce my consumption of it.